Do you want to get free tickets to this year's Workhouse Festival?
We still have a few steward spaces going.
You will be asked to work two shifts, not more than 10 hours in total (normally 8). In return, we will refund your ticket price and give you a meal on the house for each shift worked.
There are opportunities in a variety of locations, and also for take-down crew. (Enjoy all the festival then help us dismantle.)
Click the button below to apply or, if you would like more information, carry on reading!
Stewarding Info
Pay & Hours
This is an unpaid post. In return for your duties you will get a full refund of your £40 ticket fee - in cash - on presentation of your completed stewarding shift record on your ID. You will receive a meal voucher after each shift completed. Shifts are 4 hours long, but may get extended – normally you will be expected to remain on duty until replaced. Some stewards will start on Thursday, but the majority will be working Friday, Saturday or Sunday. All will work 2 shifts.
You need to register at the Stewards Office on arrival. You need to be available for briefing onsite AT LEAST 30 MINS BEFORE YOUR SHIFT STARTS.
- You should be 18 or over.
- You should be reasonably fit and able to undertake a variety of tasks.
- You should be prepared to take the rough with the smooth, and be a good communicator.
- Experience in stewarding work is a help but training will be given ( more details will be posted in the future ). If you are disabled in any way you may still be suitable so tell us about this, especially if you have difficulty with walking, and we can discuss it with you.
Your duties may include :
- Assisting the Public
- Checking tickets and passes
- On site traffic direction and Parking Control
- Making sure we keep to the NO DOGS/NO GLASS policy
- Being aware of fire and evacuation procedures
- Helping our Health and Safety measures work
- Reporting potential security problems to the security team
- Dealing with lost children (and adults)
- Ensuring casualties are seen by an appropriate first aider
- Ensuring distress is notified to welfare
- Helping stallholders, contractors, officials etc coming onto the site
- Ensuring the event runs as smoothly and safely as possible
- Helping the organisers in a variety of ways when requested
You will still need to buy a ticket - this amounts to a deposit of £40 as it will be refunded onsite if you have completed all the shifts you sign up for. If you are e-mailable, you will receive your shift-pattern before arrival. We will try to keep to this allocation as far as is possible, but may have to ask you to change as and when other circumstances change. On checking in at the steward’s office, you will be given a shift-card for stamping, which you must hand in FULLY COMPLETED to get your deposit back.
Other Information
Stewards wear a bright (“hi-viz”) tabard on duty, and will be instructed in the use of radios. Consuming alcohol and prohibited drugs are absolutely forbidden on duty. You need you to be clear-headed and ready to deal calmly with irate or distressed members of the public, medical emergencies, strategic emergencies, and so on. We all camp together in the stewards-camping area, with our own café and marquee. We will try to provide as many other helpful services for you as possible, resources permitting.
Please note this position is subject to the following terms and conditions.
Workhouse Festival is a not for profit company limited by guarantee. Registered in England & Wales. Company Number . poi, circus workshops,bands, djs, kids, family,subsource, sicknote, we got tickets, workhouse, the fire, fire show, bbc restoration project, ebay, kerrang radio, barfly, live music, y dolydd, fire shows,